2020年10月子课题活动材料 英语流动儿童学习兴趣和学习品质培养教研活动

作者:时间:2020-10-30来源: 点击:













薛菁:本次英语“同课异构”的课题是四年级第四单元, 两位教师凭借流畅的口语,亲切的教态,清晰的思路以及娴熟自如的驾驭能力圆满地完成了教学任务。听课的老师们不仅身临其境地领略了各位老师教学艺术的魅力,更在听课的过程中促进了自我素质的提升,获益匪浅。寿晓斐老师极具亲和力和表现力,她精心设计了极有深度和思维含量的各种问题,成功地引导和启发了学生的学习潜力,使得流动儿童的英语学习兴趣得到培养。关文宁老师设计的句型练习环节引入了学生喜欢的名人,让学生更有参与的动机。她给学生们提供了展示风采的舞台,课堂气氛活泼而有创意。两位老师的教学设计环环相扣,过渡自然,取得了很好的教学效果。希望参与活动的老师们能一如既往,充分调动学生的学习热情,使学生自始至终参与英语课,乐在其中。

陆艳:今天听了寿老师和关老师的两节同题异构两节英语课后受益匪浅Unit4 Can you play basketball?这是四年级的一个重要知识点,涉及到情态动词的用法,不能单独使用,后面需要还要加上动词原形,是学生的一个难点,两位老师从语音和语法着手,能够让流动儿童在愉快的教学中自己领悟到这个知识点的用法,培养流动儿童的学习品质。
















金秋十月,正是读书好时节。10月15日,新庄小学组织了四年级英语“同课异构”评课活动。本次英语“同课异构”的课题是四年级Unit4 I can play basketball, 两位教师凭借流畅的口语,亲切的教态,清晰的思路以及娴熟自如的驾驭能力圆满地完成了教学任务。听课的老师们不仅身临其境地领略了各位老师教学艺术的魅力,更在听课的过程中促进了自我素质的提升,获益匪浅。



Unit 4 I can play basketball

第一课时(Story time

新庄小学 关文宁


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim, well, can’t, have a try, yeah.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can… Can you…? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

3. 能理解、朗读和表演课文对话,模仿语音语调。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写basketball, football, jump, skate, swim, well, can’t, have a try, yeah.

2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I can… Can you…? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.






Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting

2. Play a game: Say ”Yeah, Yeah, Yeah” if you think it’s true, say “No, No, No” if you think it’s false.

I can jump. / I can swim. / I can play basketball. /I can…

出示课题:Unit 4 I can play basketball

Step 2 Presentation

1. Sports time

A: Can you skate /jump /swim /play basketball /play football?

B: Yes, I can. Look!

A: Cool! /Nice! /Great!

A: Can you skate /jump /swim /play basketball /play football?

B: No, I can’t.

A: It’s OK. Have a try!

在问答的过程中,运用肢体语言学习新单词jump, skate, swim;通过实物和做动作,学习新单词basketball, football。引导学生观察两个单词的构词特点,帮助学生记忆单词。并初步掌握句型Can you…? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. Have a try!

2. Story time

(1) Look and talk


Can Wang Bing play basketball?

Can Mike play basketball?

Can Liu Tao play basketball, too?

(2) Watch and answer

Can Wang Bing play basketball?

Can Mike play basketball?

Can Liu Tao play at first?

Can Liu Tao play at last?

(3) Read Story time

a. 注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读。

T: Let’s read after the tape.

T: Let’s read it together.

b. 分角色朗读。


c. 分角色表演


Step 3 Consolidation

1. Magic eyes

T: Now, let’s have a rest. Let’s play a game.


2. Work in pairs

T: I have some pictures here. Choose one to work in pairs.

3. Summary


Step 4 Exercise


1. 打篮球

2. 踢足球

3. 试一试

4. 很棒


1. Copy the new words.

2. Read and recite Story Time.


Unit 4 I can play basketball

I can…

Can you…?

Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.

Can he/she...?

Yes,he/she can./No,he/she can’t.


jump  swim  skate

play basketball   play football


Unit 4 I can play basketball.

第一课时   寿晓斐


Story time


1.四会单词basketball, football, jump, skate, swim; 三会单词well,can’t,have a try,yeah

2.四会句型:I can … Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I cant..;

三会句型Can Mike play…? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.

3.学生能运用日常交际用语:He can play basketball very well.

What about you? Have a try.

4.在听说读练中,  学生学会并运用Can…? 及回答进行交际。




1.词汇basketball, football, jump, skate, swim, very well, can’t ,have a try.

2.句型:I can … Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. Can

Mike play…? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.



1.在听说读练中,  学生学会并运用Can…? 的第三人称提问和回答;

2.学生能运用Have a try. He can play basketball very well.等表达来评价他人,鼓励尝试。




Task 1: Can you ask very well?

Show pictures or cards to ask Ss to make sentences or ask questions.

T: Boys and girls, look at the picture. Can you ask?

T: Nice! You can ask very well. (竖起大拇指).

Task 2: “Can you learn very well?”

1. Show a picture of a foot, ball, Ss ask questions, then show the picture of a football.

T: Can you learn very well? Look! What’s this in the picture?( a foot , a ball先后出现)

S: A football.学生读单词的时候教师可以评价Cool/ Nice / Great.

Show picture of “American football”

T: American football

T: Can you play football?  S1:Yes, I can.

T: What about you?   S2: Yes, I can. ( 板书 Can you..? Yes, I can.)

T:Can you play football very well?(课件呈现大拇指)

Ss: No, I can’t.

Show pictures of Messi (先提供一张静态的照片)

T: Look! He is Messi. What’s his name? 通过一个问题将学生带进这个图片,让学生随时都有反馈的机会.

T: Can Messi play football very well? Ss: Yes.

T: Show “Yes, he can. He can play football very well.”  

T: What can you say to him?

课件增加tip: 表扬别人时可以说_____, _____________, ___________, __________.

【设计意图:使用梅西, 詹姆士的图片和动图,让学生感受play football very well  的意思。也尝试使用第三人称提问回答,丰富学生的语言。】

2. T: Look, what is this in English?

Ss: A basketball.

T: “basket+ball” makes “basketball”.

(可以带领大家T: Can he read very well? Follow me.拍三次手,然后大家齐说: Cool! Nice!Great!Good!不限定哪一种. 也可以,让学生个体站起来进行表扬, 几个人用不同的表达.)

T: Can you play basketball?  Ss: …

T: Can you play basketball very well? S: Yes, I can. (The same way asking other students)

T: Cool!Nice! Great!

If students say no, T says “Have a try.”

教授:have a try   train,my帮助学生读出try,并使用。

tip: 当别人不能完成某件事时,我们可以说Have a try,鼓励他,给他勇气.

板书.Can he play ...? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.

Show picture of James, then Ss try to ask:

S: Can James play basketball very well?

S: Yes, he can. He can play basketball very well.(板书He can play basketball very well.)

T: Give Ss a relax. Enjoy a song.

And ask “What can the boy do?”

Show: He can…

show pictures check:





Then show “Can you…?”to ask Ss.

穿插Can 人名….? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she can’t. 的对话操练。

【设计意图:使用图片,动作模仿的方式教授jump, skate, swim三个单词,适时用第三人称Can he/she …?】

“Can you ask and answer?”

“A: Can you …?

B: Yes, I can. Look!

A: Cool!/Nice!/Great!

C: Can he/she …?

D: Yes, he/she can.

A: Can you …?

B: No, I can’t.

A: Have a try.

C: Can he/she …?

D: No, he/she can’t. But after a try, he/she can do it.“


Task 3: Can you understand very well?

Story time

Can you say something about the pictures?

Show” What time…? Who..? Where…? ”to give Ss hints.

Ss: Answer the questions.

T: show

…o’clock        at a PE lesson        after school

Liu Tao, Wang Bing and Mike

in the school         in the playground       in the park

Then ask Ss to describe the pictures.

Eg: It is … o’clock in the afternoon. Liu Tao, Wang Bing and Mike are in the playground.


T: Look at Liu Tao `s face. What do you think of him? Can you ask some questions?

S1: Can Liu Tao play basketball?

S2: Can Wang Bing play basketball?

S3: Can Mike play basketball?

T: Good. Look at these three questions. Let`s watch cartoons.

Watch cartoons and answer the questions:

Q1: Can Wang Bing play basketball?

Q2: Can Mike play basketball?

Q3: Can Liu Tao play basketball?

(Ss watch cartoons.)

T: Can Wang Bing play basketball?

S: He can play basketball.

T: Can Mike play basketball?

S: He can play basketball very well.

T: Can Liu Tao play basketball?
Ss: Yes, he can.

如果学生说Yes,he can. 那么请学生从书中找出句子证明。

T: Show “No, he can’t _”Have a try.” Yes, he can.”

Task4: Can you read very well?

T: 将学生找出的句子在图3,4中用彩色显示出来. Can you read very well? Let’s have a try.

听录音并模仿图3,4中Liu Tao的语气。

个体模仿后教师进行表扬cool, nice...

(Ss read after the tape)

T: (Ss read after the tape)

(Ss read the dialogue again)

T: You`re great. OK. Now it`s time for you to read in roles. Please read in three. Open your books. You have three roles: Wang Bing, Mike and Liu Tao.

(Ss read in roles)

(Ss in a group read in roles.)

Task 5: Can you act very well?

T: Can you act very well? Have a try, OK?

Ss: OK.

Try to do it three in a group and come here to show for us.

(Ss roles in group)

“Can you report(现场播报)?”环节



“It is … o’clock in the afternoon.  … are in the playground.

Wang Bing can …. Mike can play basketball ….

Liu Tao ... , but after a try, he ….”

Do you know:环节

Dunk the ball.

Pass the ball.(Throw the ball).

Dribble the ball.

Shoot the ball.

Block the ball.


1. Listen and read the story, try to recite it.

2. Act the story in groups.


Unit4 I can play basketball

Can you …?

Yes, I can. (I can … very well.)

No, I can’t.(Have a try.)

Can Mike …?

Yes, he can. He can play ...very well.

No, he can’t.


